[Chinese DiGRA 2015] He Siheng on the Potential Usage of Signal Processing Theories into Game Studies and Gamification Practices—A Case Study on Khan Institute

He Siheng, School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology

The term “Gamification” emerged since 2002 and was widely studied after 2010s. Though a popular area of researches and practices, Gamification problems like the overuse of gamer’s classification theory, non-standardized design of gamified systems, and lacking mature protocols to assess system effectiveness, remained untackled. This paper will introduce some of the ideas, methods and undergoing techniques in Signal Processing for optimization of current systems.  This paper will begin by revealing the potential usage of Signal Processing Theories in educational, commercial, self-development, and other settings. Then, a case study will be conducted in the field of education – signal processing techniques will be applied to establish a player’s journey with a rapid feedback mechanism based on the small-step theory, as well as to boost the evaluation and testifying process. Discussions on how to apply those techniques in more settings will be followed.

信号处理理论应用于游戏研究及游戏化实践的可行性研究 ——以对可汗学院学习路径的分析、生成、与评估为主要案例


游戏化(Gamification)自 2002 年被提出这一词,并在2010 年后被广泛研究后,已取得了多方面的进展。然而,在迄今为止的研究中,一些问题仍广泛存在:包括对玩家类型的标签化,游戏化实践过程更多依靠个人经验,以及对游戏化效果检验的方法不成熟等。为此,尝试引入信号处理(Signal Processing)领域内相关理论和思考方式。这篇文章首先表明在教育、商业、个人发展等方面,可以应用上述方法和技术;并以教育领域为例,体现其在利用小步策略、构建快速反馈(rapid feedback)的玩家过程、并进行分析与测评的优势与应用方法。随后,提出更多可能的应用场合以并介绍相关技术如何应用其中。相信这一对信号处理学科的引入,会对游戏研究与游戏化领域有所启示和帮助。

Author Info

He Siheng is a Full-time undergraduate junior year in Beijing Institude of Technology. Major in Signal Processing. Focused in Edu area. Trying to applying methods in Signal Processing to Gamification.