CDiGRA Conference 2023

On the 25th of November 2023, the Chinese Digital Games Research Association
(CDiGRA) conference took place in at the Nanjing Forestry University.

Featuring stellar papers and keynotes with participants from games academia,
journalism, and industry in attendance, CDiGRA 2023 was an enormous success in
bringing together passionate Chinese game researchers to form a solid network
of scholarship and interest.

A full breakdown of the event can be found here.

And discussion of the event in Chinese is accessible here.

Special thanks to the conference organising committee: Yigang Liu, Hugh Davies, Gejun Huang, to the presenters, the Chinese DiGRA board, and the College of Art and Design, Nanjing Forestry University for making this event happen.


中华电子游戏研究协会 2023-征稿





  • 投稿可为英文或中文。
  • 请提交最大字数为600字中文或最大字数为350词英文的摘要(不包括引用文献)。摘要模板请见此处
  • 请在2023年10月2日(星期一)之前提交匿名摘到到 [email protected]
  • 请在邮件标题注明‘CDiGRA2023 Submission’字样。

摘要会交由研讨会组织委员会以及和中华电子游戏研究协会成员依据其学术严谨性和与本次研讨会相关度进行审核。如被接受,将会在10月17日进行通知。摘要被录取的作者将会有机会被邀请递交延长版的摘要,进入电子游戏研究协会电子图书馆。如有任何关于摘要递交以及选题的问题,请联系[email protected]


  • 10月2日:提交截止日
  • 10月17日:结果公布。选择在线上参加的研讨会的学者将会收到另外的信息告知他们如何录制和提交演讲视频(我们推荐带有音轨的PPT或者免费的软件OBS [Open Broadcast Software]
  • 10月18日:研讨会注册开始
  • 11月7日:我们邀请线上参与研讨会的参会者预先提交带有音轨的PPT或者免费的软件OBS [Open Broadcast Software]录制的视频,以及演讲的文稿(方便我们制作字幕)。我们强烈推荐双语投稿者提交中英双版本的视频、PPT、演讲文稿。如只提交一个版本,我们会翻译视频/PPT,并为其加上字幕。这些ppt和视频将会在研讨会开会前开放给其他参会人。在研讨会中,视频/PPT之后将会有提问环节。
  • 11月25日:研讨会


中华电子游戏研究协会(Chinese DiGRA)是电子游戏研究协会DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) 的中华分部,致力于推进华语国家及周边地区的游戏研究。中华电子游戏研究协会旨在提升中文地区游戏研究的质量、数量及国际影响力。我们的工作包括建设游戏研究的学术网络、促进学界与业界的交流、支持华语区域内的游戏研究教育及博士生培养、以及向国际传播与宣传中国游戏研究的成果。中华电子游戏研究协会由来自于中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾地区的学者构成的理事会运营。您可以在我们的网站找到更多相关介绍,以及往年所有会议的摘要。


Yigang Liu, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing.
Dr Hugh Davies, RMIT University, Melbourne.
Dr Gejun Huang, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Review of Christopher B. Patterson, Open World Empire: Race, Erotics, and the Global Rise of Video Games

November 2020

Bjarke Liboriussen

University of Nottingham Ningbo China


Having your cake and eating it (off your naked partner): Review of Christopher B. Patterson, Open World Empire: Race, Erotics, and the Global Rise of Video Games. New York University Press, 2020.

In public and scholarly debates about video games, participants can find themselves in uncomfortable positions where they are forced to declare themselves either for or against video games. In Open World Empire: Race, Erotics, and the Global Rise of Video Games, Christopher B. Patterson offers a way to break free of such limited and limiting discursive options, and the thinking that gives rise to them, by “[understanding] games as players do – as mere playthings that afford new passions, pleasures, desires, and attachments, that place grave attention on our own positions in the world and make us conscious of our power over others” (p. 1). In short, the book offers ways of being simultaneously passionate about, and critical of, video games.

The term erotics is crucial for this project. As Patterson explains in the introduction, “Erotics is an art of conceiving how pleasure, desire, and the interactive work upon the body as a way to master ourselves and to recognize how our pleasures impact others” (p.  22). Patterson arrives at this understanding of erotics through the work of three “queer theorists” (p. 17), namely, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. Patterson engages with the three theorists throughout the book and pays special attention to the ways that the three thinkers towards the end of their lives increasingly fetishized Asia and drew on their “obscure queer identities” (p. 24). Patterson’s own identity as “a queer traveler of multiple racial genealogies who has lived in Korea, China, and Hong Kong” (p. 70) is relevant to appreciate the book’s style and intention. Although Patterson describes himself as a “matchmaker” (p. 17) between game studies and queer theorists – which perhaps makes him sound like someone who facilitates a meeting and then observes from a safe distance – many of the book’s observations draw on deeply personal experiences ranging from childhood memories to both sexual and non-sexual role play.

The book consists of an introduction, six chapters and a brief conclusion (or “Coda”, pp. 271-272). Chapter 1 covers “global games”, that is, games that distance themselves from, or even deny, their national origins. This strategy is well known from Japanese popular culture where it has been described as mukokuseki, odourless, by Koichi Iwabushi, but Patterson adds nuance by reading global games erotically. The chapter opens and closes with its main example, Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment, 2016), but also an older game, Street Fighter II (Capcom, 1991), is examined in depth. Throughout the book, historical parallels often deepen understanding of contemporary examples (for example, e-sports and the rise of Twitch). Chapter 2 moves from games to makers of games and covers three types of developers: The invisible American developer, the Japanese auteur developer (appreciated by the “ludophile, the audience member who seeks intimate knowledge of a game” [p. 88]) and the Asian North American developer. Chapter 3 covers role play, an activity characterised by anonymity, impersonality and power play that embraces rather than denies that power relations are involved in play. Power play can be erotic in the true sense used here if it ethically cares for all (both seen and unseen) who are involved, but this ideal can be unobtainable when roles are played in an imperial setting. Here Patterson relies on Foucault’s writings on aphrodisiac and stresses how the erotic involves care, not just for the self but also for others.

A brief “Pause” (pp. 150-153) uses Sedgwick’s notion of “paranoid reading” to conclude that the first half of the book “used games as a utility to decipher empire” (p. 152), whereas the second half of the book will ask: “what can playing video games erotically do to us, rather than for us?” (p. 153; emphasis in the original).

Chapter 4 expands on Sedgwick’s writing on paranoid and “reparative” readings and applies them to bodily postures known from the playing of video games, particularly the playing of horror games; the chapter includes analysis of Alien: Isolation (Creative Assembly, 2014). Chapter 5 covers the Far Cry series (Crytek, 2004; Ubisoft, 2005-). Patterson simultaneously (and erotically) problematizes empire while appreciating the pleasures of doing the same things, such as shooting, over and over again (Barthes’ distinction between pleasure and bliss is at work here). Chapter 6 offers additional theoretical background for the book’s three main theorists. The chapter also reflects on the concept of, and study of, the transpacific. Main examples include the Civilization series (MicroProse, 1991-) and Google Earth VR (Google, 2016).

The book’s main contribution to the interdisciplinary academic field of contemporary game studies is its invitation to reconsider key concepts that the field has relied on for the past two decades, for example, immersion, player agency, interactivity and the magic circle. Some of the descriptions of these concepts and their application in game studies are quite blunt. Is it really true that “immersion” has been described as an experience of the mind rather than the body (p. 199)? Was “the magic circle” really “conceived as direct [refusal] of what [Patterson is] calling the erotic” (p. 13)? Answering these questions would only be worth time and energy if Patterson was actively trying to discredit existing game studies concepts and steer the field away from them, and that is not the intention underpinning the criticism. Instead, the book seems aimed at infusing existing game studies concepts with new meanings and pairing them together with concepts from Patterson’s three queer theorists in ways that can open new lines of enquiry for game studies.

My main quibble with the book has to do with its structure. Each chapter keeps a fine balance between theory and analysis, ensuring that the reader never experiences being introduced to a concept without also experiencing a fairly immediate analytical payoff. This makes for a comfortable read and avoids having the reader give up halfway through a lengthy description of the book’s analytical framework. However, I would personally have preferred having had a more substantial introduction to Barthes, Foucault and Sedgwick in the introduction – where such an introduction belongs – rather than in the last chapter (pp. 250-260). The price for smooth structure on the level of the individual chapter is paid for in uneven structure when zooming out to the book as a whole.

From a game studies perspective, Open World Empire might not be suitable for undergraduate students unless they are already attuned to some of the scholarly debates around video games. The most ambitious students, and game studies scholars in general, will enjoy having their favourite theorists and concepts played with in unthought – sometimes surprising, sometimes demanding – yet always caring ways.




比亚克·利布鲁森(Bjarke Liboriussen)








“情色”是本书中的关键词。正如帕特森在开篇引言中所介绍的:“情色是一门艺术,它构想了快乐、欲望和交互作品是如何作用于身体的,以此来控制我们自己,并认识到我们的愉悦是如何影响他人的(p.22)。”帕特森对“情色”的理解来自于三位“酷儿理论家”的作品,即罗兰·巴特(Roland Barthes)、米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)和伊芙·科索夫斯基·塞吉维克(Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick)。三位学者的身影贯穿全书,他尤其关注他们三人如何直到生命末期都还对亚洲越发迷恋、如何运用他们“模糊的酷儿身份” (p.24)。

要理解本书的风格与意图,就要先了解帕特森的身份,他是“一位曾经生活在韩国、中国和香港地区的混血酷儿旅行者”(p.70)。他自称是联结游戏研究与同性恋理论家的“媒人”(p.17),说得就好像是他促成了一场会面,而自己则呆在安全距离外进行观察似的。但是,书中的许多观察来自深刻的个人体验,从儿时的记忆, 到含有性爱元素和非性爱元素的角色扮演,凡此种种,应有尽有。

该书由引言、六个章节和一个简短的结论(或者说是“尾声”,pp.271-272)组成。第一章主要介绍了“全球的游戏”,这类游戏与民族起源保持距离,甚至加以否认。这种策略在日本流行文化中广为人知,它被日本学者岩渕功一(Koichi Iwabushi)描述成无味的“无国籍者”。但是帕特森从情色的视角来解读则给全球游戏添加了内涵。该章深入研究了两款游戏案例,并以它们开篇和收尾,即《守望先锋》(暴雪娱乐,2016年)和另一款较早的游戏《街霸2》(卡普空,1991年)。书中展示的历史上的相似案例进一步加深了人们对当代游戏案例的理解(例如电子竞技和游戏直播Twitch的兴起)。第二章将视线转向游戏制作者。它涵盖了三种类型的开发者:第一,隐身的美国开发者;第二,日本导演开发者(为“暴虐狂(ludophile)”游戏迷所喜欢,他们寻求更为私秘的游戏内容[p.88]);第三,亚裔北美开发者。第三章描述了角色扮演,一种以匿名性、去人格化和权力游戏为特征的活动。这种活动接受而不是否定这种游戏中的权力关系。如果游戏在道德上关照所有参与其中的人(无论是否可见),那么,权力游戏可以是真正意义上的情色游戏。但当角色扮演是在帝国情境的环境下时,这种理想的状态则无法实现。在这里,帕特森借用了福柯书中的“春药”的论述,并强调情色是如何涉及到关怀的,这种关怀不仅是为了自己,也是为了他人。

在 “暂停” 一节中,帕特森使用赛吉维克的“偏执阅读”的概念简要总结道,该书的前半部分“用游戏作为解码帝国的工具”(p.152),但对后半部分则提出了这样的疑问:“玩电子游戏真的是能我们产生什么情色影响,而不是我们带来什么情色影响吗?”(p.153;原著中强调)

第四章进一步拓展了赛吉维克书中关于偏执狂和“修复性”的解读,并用其分析玩电子游戏,尤其是玩恐怖游戏时的身体姿势。这一章分析了《异形:隔离》游戏(Creative Assembly,2014)。第五章则研究了《孤岛惊魂》系列(Crytek,2004;育碧,2005-至今)。帕特森对游戏中重复同样动作(如射击)带来的快感表示理解,同时也(从情色的角度)对帝国提出质疑(这里运用的是巴特关于愉悦和狂喜的区分法)。第六章对本书三位主要理论家的理论背景做了进一步的介绍。该章还对泛太平洋的概念和研究进行了反思,所举案例主要来自《文明》系列(MicroProse,1991-至今)和《谷歌地球VR》(谷歌,2016)。






Chinese DiGRA Launches Book Reviews series!

A new series of book reviews that will be published on has been launched. The editors Paul Martin (University of Nottingham Ningbo China) and Yijin He (Beijing University of Technology) welcome proposals for relevant publications.

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Chaoguang Wang and Gino Yu on The relationship between players value systems and their In-game behavior in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game

Chaoguang Wang, Gino Yu, Digital Entertainment Lab, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

This study examines the relationship between player’s value systems based upon the Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory by Clare W. Graves (Graves, 2005) and their actions in playing a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Online survey data from 5,427 players of the Ghost II containing value systems and demographic variables were analyzed for this study. A number of positive correlations were found between the score of Red (CP) value system and the in-game metrics that were collected to represent their playing behavior.Participants that scored high on Red value system also tend to spend more real money in the game, level up their character and ability as quickly as possible, and seek for other achievement in the forms offered by game world. These characteristics for fun, power and immediate gratification are also predicted by the Red (CP) value system in Clare W. Graves’ model. With this work, we show that there is a correlation between in-game behavior and real-life behavioral attitudes as modeled by the Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory. The finding provides valuable information for how to better design, evaluate and understand enjoyment in games. By understanding a player’s behavioral attitude within a game, we can design game mechanics and situations to facilitate personal transformation through game playing.

Author Info

Chaoguang Wang is a PHD candidate in the School of Design in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research focuses on the value systems of players and their playing behavior online.He had worked professionally in games development for 6 plus years as a game researcher and game designer, with solid practical hands-on experience and understanding of game development.

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Tilak Jha on Linking the Old with the New through Digital Games

Tilak Jha,  Zhejiang University

That old generation is picking up its interest in digital games is a proven phenomenon now in most aging countries with proper digital infrastructure. China’s demographic trend also points towards an era of digital games among old generation. While targeting the older richer generation as a business model is the popular trend, free games continue to bring the push factor, indeed with parallel source of revenue from advertising or elsewhere. Amid the usual financial give and take digital gaming model that usually crowds the non-Chinese and especially the western digi-games model, there is a need for a different form of barter. This is of conceptualizing a platform like the freeware Adventure Maker that brings the older to the closer through something that may be christened “Project Old-New Digital Story” or “Being Young Digitally” or simply “Keep in Touch.” This ideational project would bring the historical usual storytellers – the old, and listeners – the young, together on a digital gaming platform. Stories and games can be recreated through animation, simulations and augmented reality. It could also link up potential old and new together to be part of their digital family – not to deny the emotional and even health benefits of a holistic digital gaming ecosystem. This paper proposes to study the existing digital gaming model to propose ideas for such a future project that brings the old and new in re-imagining life and struggles, and the world beyond inside. At a time when people are travelling on average more than their previous generational counterparts, this study proposes to look into models outside China that are likely to work here. It thus approaches this subject based on a review of old and young gamers’ interest across geographies.

Author info

Tilak Jha has done Masters in Convergent Journalism from AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and M. Phil in Chinese Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is currently studying Public Policy on Asian Future Leaders Scholarship in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. His research interests include communication, international relations and public policy issues.

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Philip Lin on Contextualizing Cyber-Soldier in the East:A Reflection on the Colonized War Game Experience of Taiwanese Gamers

Philip Lin, Providence University

In the last 15 years, the first-person-shooter (FPS) genre has grown to be the most recognizable genre of digital games and happened to produce several most-wanted war-themed games played by millions of global gamers. Especially after 9/11, the popular FPS game titles, e.g. the America’s Army (AA), Call of Duty (COD), Medal of Honour (MOD) and Battlefield series based on World War II stories or contemporary world conflicts were constantly monitored, supported or partly sponsored by the U.S. military authorities. With both commercial and ideological interests, the Pentagon and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) already had enormous budgets invested in various game simulation projects, which directly encourage talented game developers/programmers to continue creating realistic virtual war simulation and producing the gaming scenarios and experiences closed to real combat-situations. Historically speaking, games of this kind bring more attention to Western gamers, who were normally defined as closely attached to crime, shooter and sport game genres. (see Kent 2004). However, recent reports have shown the number of FPS gamers and communities in the East Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan is increasing very intensively. This strongly reflects that, through the power of gaming, Pentagon’s ‘perception management campaigns’ begin to pay off overseas and bring more about foreign audiences’ interests in role-playing soldiers.

In this regard, this study organized several interviews with Taiwanese gamers. From examining their self-reflected experiences, it is evident that Hollywood war movies bring great influences in Taiwanese gamers’ war imagination. The war-themed FPS gamers in Taiwan construct their virtual and transnational belongings by projecting and carrying forward their previous war TV/film-viewing experience into their gaming process. Playing the war-themed FPS games, as one interviewee (Samuel Chuang, 31-year-old male sales executive) described, provides a perfect escape trajectory that “finds somewhere to let out one’s boiling emotions and feelings after watching HBO’s Band of Brother…just like the feeling you have to do something after watching porn.”

Author info

Philip Lin is Assistant Professor at the Department of Mass Communication, Providence University

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Banwo Adetoro Olaniyi on The Interplay between Digital Gaming and the Rise of Nationalism in China

Banwo Adetoro Olaniyi, Xiamen University

The use of Technology to disseminate information and transmit cultural practices on a wide scale is a phenomenal practice in the modern world. While digital technology offers playful tinkering, it also offers a diverse way to capture and imbibe formal and informal ideas.

China’s digital game industry has developed in a dramatic form and has come of age; the gaming industry through the use of information technology has been adopted or engaged to influence the rise of nationalism in China, this trend is monumental and evidential. With the rise of the public gaming in China, several private and public organizations are using the instruments of gaming to develop, design and create socio-cultural games that would build and stir patriotic emotions within the nation state. Digital games in China therefore offer a new approach to entertainment with the aim of educating the player on historical facts and exposure into the world of technology. With the negative implication of youth addiction and violence the digital gaming industry is a flourishing one with multiply consequences.

This paper tends to examine the influence of digital gaming with the rise of nationalism; it tends to scrutinize the effect of gaming on the individual, the author intends to identify the interplay of entertainment, education and economic benefits as the central forces enhancing the development of the game in modern China.

Author info

Adetoro Banwo is a graduate of Political Science (Ogun State University), Masters in International Management (University of Liverpool, England), Masters of Chinese Philosophy (Xiamen University) and currently a Doctoral Candidate of Chinese History at Xiamen University. He is vast in Chinese History, culture, tradition and philosophy.

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Teng Yuning on The Moving Landscape – Human Rights Revolution Intrigued by the Visual Revolution Represented in Video Games

TENG Yuning (滕宇宁)


风景作为艺术史中一个典型的艺术类型(genre),非常清晰地反映艺术史的演变线索;同时根据政治图像学(political iconography)的理论和方法研究,图像是复杂的社会行为的投射,背后蕴藏有人为的诉求和干涉从而实现权威对民众(观看者)的控制。本文以游戏中的风景为例,分析移动观看图像的视点改变如何影响到对画面/景象的理解,从而对图像的政治加以警惕和抵抗,从某种意义上实现信息接受的平等,以达到一种精神上的自由的可能。

移动焦点在传统静态绘画中已经有所体现,即中国古代的长卷绘画。长卷的把玩方式即是拿在手中一部分一部分的展开,画面中的风景题材或者人物在风景中的活动就在展开的运动中显现为一种叙事结构。这种方式同西方绘画的单一焦点画面非常不同,也可以看作是中国传统审美中的一种移动的倾向。电影、视频艺术(Video Art)的活动影像将这一方式推进,在运动的影像中,风景参与叙事和政治表达。特别是视频艺术作为当代艺术的一种方式,以激进的形式将移动带来的规定性明确而激烈地进行批判。


Author info

Teng Yuning’s main academic responsibility at Centre for Visual Studies (CVS) is managing the Chinese Modern Art Archive (CMAA), which collects and archives Chinese Contemporary Art dating back to 1986, establishes on-line database, hosts academic study projects, professional exhibition, international forum and student seminars, etc. CVS is a national base for the research of traditional Chinese art, Chinese contemporary art and world art history, and now also the Secretariat and one of the main organizers of the 34th CIHA (the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art) which will be held in China in 2016. As the deputy director, Yuning is in charge of the organizing work and academic preparation for this international conference.